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Astronauts venturing beyond Earth's magnetosphere face a staggering increase in radiation exposure, ranging from 2,500% to 10,000%. This dramatic rise in radiation affects nearly all bodily systems, elevating the risks of cancer and other long-term health complications. Beyond human missions, space radiation also poses a significant threat to satellite integrity. Currently, around 38% of satellites experience system failures each year due to radiation-induced malfunctions. The primary shielding material used today, aluminum, is not only costly but also contributes to these failures. For a medium-sized satellite, approximately 105 kilograms of aluminum are required, adding about $1,575,000 to launch expenses. Additionally, aluminum generates harmful secondary radiation, leading to an annual decay rate of 3-5%, further compromising satellite durability.

Melagen Labs

Melagen Labs has developed an innovative hydrogen-rich composite that offers the same radiation shielding effectiveness as aluminum, but at up to 2.75 times lighter. This breakthrough reduces both weight and costs while enhancing efficiency. Early results show that, with continued R&D, the material's effectiveness could be improved by 1.2 times. For a medium-sized satellite, this lighter composite slashes launch costs by 63%, down to approximately $570,000. The weight reduction also significantly lowers fuel requirements, improving mission feasibility. Our streamlined production process further enhances our solution, offering a two-week lead time, allowing for rapid deployment of this advanced shielding technology in the space industry.